Christine Achenbach-Carret is a researcher, educational consultant, project manager, language teacher and lecturer. She works at the University in Trier, where she deals with democratic education and digitisation. She held a seminar for student teachers regarding democratic learning in times of Corona. Additionally she works at the non-profit organization DEVI - democracy and diversity in schools in Berlin. Her main areas are participation of students, professionalization of teachers and democratic school development as well as prevention of extremism in schools.
Marcello Amoruso is a PhD in applied
linguistics at the University of Palermo. His research activity is focused on
illiterate and low-schooled learners of Italian L2.
He also has a post-MA in
"Didactics of Italian as a non-native language". Since 2008, he teaches Italian L2 at ItaStra
and, starting from 2013, he is responsible of the ItaStra projects for the
linguistic inclusion of migrants. He is one of the supervisors of the working
group "Adults with low schooling" set at ItaStra in 2016 (www.pontidiparole.it).
Nihad Bunar Professor at the Department of Child
and Youth Sciences, at
Stockholm Universityhas specific expert knowledge in the areas of young
people, multiculturalism, urban development and education. More than 400 public
lectures and presentations, related to Bunars research on young people,
multiculturalism, urban development and education, at conferences for teachers,
principals, school politicians, parents and students around Sweden. Key-note
speaker and paper presented at more than 50 international conferences.
Carmen Ciallella has a Master degree in
Literary translation and a post MA in "Theory, planning and didactics of
Italian as a second and foreign language" obtained at the University of
Palermo. Since 2016 she teaches Italian as a second language at the School of
Italian for Foreigners (ItaStra) of the University of Palermo. She is part of the working group "Adults with
low schooling" set at ItaStra in 2016 (www.pontidiparole.it).
Rikke Osbahr Ebsen is Associated Professor at University College Southern Denmark, Teacher education within pedagogic and didactics focusing on pedagogical philosophy, democratic leadership in class, inclusion and children with special needs.
Maria Luisa Faulisi has a Master Degree in Cultural anthropology and a post MA in "Theory, planning and didactics of Italian as a second and foreign language" obtained at the University of Palermo. After having taught Italian as a foreign language in Budapest, in 2016 she started a collaboration with the School of Italian language for Foreigners (ItaStra) in Palermo, where she teaches in multilingual classrooms. She is part of the working group "Adults with low schooling" set at ItaStra in 2016 (www.pontidiparole.it).
Markus Janssen is a Teaching and Research Assistant who works mainly in the field of Initial Teacher Education. His main interests are in the fields of Teacher Education across the continuum, concepts of reflective and reflexive practice, Service Learning and Portfolio research in HEI. He worked as a Secondary School Teacher for three years.
Kirsten Jungschlaeger is a language teacher at the moment working at the center for language acquisition in Berlin, where she organizes and coordinates teacher training and works as a lecturer. Her main topics are reading promotion and teaching of German as a second language.
Katja Kansteiner is professor of education / teaching research and school development since 2009 at the University of Education Weingarten. Her scientific work focusses on professional development of teachers and school principals, on gender and diversity in school, on student centered learning also under the aspect of participation of students. She is coordinator of the ERASMUS+ project HeadsUP which aims at school development and successful teaching by setting up professional learning communities of school principals who lead their teachers into professional learning communities.
Katharina Kobelt is Associate Professor at the Teacher Education at University College/ UC Syd in Esbjerg, Denmark. She´s working as academic staff, teaching in a various of courses including pedagogical subjects, German as a foreign language, Danish as a second language and Teaching of bi- and plurilingual pupils as well as professionalization of teachers.
Suzanne Kriström Alonzo Doctoral student and lecturer, at the Department of Child and Youth Sciences, Stockholm University. Kriström Alonzois teaching in a variety of courses, social relations in school/preschool, bullying, youth, identity and social arenas. Her doctoral project is about socio-emotional development in preschool and school.
Stefanie Mayr graduated from University of Passau in English Cultural Sciences. After that she was working for a translation agency for several years, where she gained valuable experience in intercultural communication.
Egle Mocciaro is PhD in Linguistics and a school teacher. She currently works at the University of Palermo, Department of Humanities, where she teaches Second Language Acquisition in the 2nd level Master's degree (=post MA) in "Theory, planning and teaching of Italian as a second and foreign language. Her research includes the analysis of morpho-syntax of Italo-romance varieties and second language acquisition by low or not literate adult learners.
Meike Nandico is a language teacher currently seconded to the Senate Department for Education, Youth and Families, Berlin as school inspector and project coordinator. In the Directorate General she is responsible for conceptual development in terms of the integration of young new arrivals into school. She has been coordinating LLP projects and Erasmus+ partnerships for innovation and the exchange of good practice, the project "Young people debating in language learning classes" and is involved in curricular development and processes related to quality assurance and management in schools.
Christian Quvang is Docent at University College South Denmark and head of the research programme for Inclusion and Exclusion. Apart from leading and supervising research projects he teaches at the department for teacher education in the international course 'Inclusive Education'. Internationally he has been Link Convenor in the EERA Network 20 'Research in Innovative Intercultural Learning Environments' and from 2019 he is head of an ERASMUS KA 3 project with focus on inclusion and leadership. His PhD, based on narratives, is about how experiences from Special Need Education impacts further education, self and resilience.
Christoph Stamann is a Teaching and Research Assistant and PhD student at the University of Education Weingarten in the Department of Educational Science. Some of his main research topics related to this project are professional development of teachers as well as school development and leadership.
Kari Trost Associate Professor and Director of Postgraduate Research Program at the Department of Child and Youth Sciences, Stockholm University. Trost is a lecturer and researcher using person-oriented methodology and profiling to study the parent-child relationship, parenting, and youth health and well-being from a developmental science perspective.